Ducks come and go.
Some get taken by predators,
some get injured by their flockmates,
some find new homes,
some drown,
some get exposed to extreme weather,
and eventually some will be going to the freezer...
SOME … Are worth noting:
Forrest, II
January 2017 - November 2019
Breeder Import Adult
When the Parent Flock started laying eggs on EggNogguration day, I quickly sought out the local farmer where I acquired the first flock to get a drake. I chose Forrest because I wanted a Mallard plumed drake (gray). He was believed to be about 2 years old when I got him. He is sweet to his girls and keeps watch while they enjoy a swim, a nap or browsing for goodies. He was our Papa Drake for 3 years before retiring and become Papa Drake some more. His new caretaker tells me he had a leg injury that festered to an untimely death. He made many more babies in the year he was elsewhere.
Hatched 10-3-18
This egg had pipped when we pulled Wiggles out of the incubator. We helped it get started and left it in there for an additional 3 days to work things out. Temporarily named Gump because it took a while to find it's feet and we obviously have a bit of a Forest Gump theme going. It is doing just fine and running around just like any other duckling. It loves to hang out close by on a towel and often falls asleep on keyboards and hands.
Our little mascot. She is by far the friendliest duck we've had. She was very spoilt early on. She loves to do her own thing, not really caring what the rest of the flock is doing.
We learned a lot from her, and ...
Dog attack pics
On 5-30-19, Gump left the premises to go be #2 duck in a backyard. She will have to get used to a different routine, but the existing duck will likely help her learn and she will adjust, adapt and lay many eggs for her new owners.
Hatched 8-29-16
Hatchery Import Duckling
I mail ordered this gal online with a group of sexed day-old ducklings. She also originates from Metzer Farms and is a blue Indian Runner. She is my duck with most insatiable appetite. She will be the first one with her face in the food bowl and be picky about getting the leaves of spouts and leaving the stems. She is also a friendly ducks that eats right out of my hand. She is a my green/blue egg layer.
Hatched 6-19-17
The neighborhood 8 year old that has been coming around to hang out with the ducks and learning how to care for them decided he wanted his own flock. We started another incubation with "as many as possible" - which I limited to 11! 6 eggs hatched (3 males and 3 females). When it came time for him to take them home, mom and dad changed their mind.
Hatched 6-19-17
Yvette has a deep fawn tone with a white diamond of feathers on the back of her head. She is the first one to sound alarm when something is out of place, a predator approaches or a car parks in front of the house. I named her after my Dad. She is curious and friendly... She is usually at the center of the group and always ready for the next opportunity to check out a new browsing area or a pile of leaves.
Hatched 3-16-18, Imported 3-26-18
Breeder Import Duckling
Emery Pencilled
I asked a colleague for some name suggestions, she came up with Florida and Florence. I thought, I'm not going to be able to keep up with the difference, but, Flo, from Progressive is weird and an individual. This hen is the first one in the new sandbox filled with water... So her Indian Runner name fits her, "Flo In'Water" it is !
Sweet Pea
Hatched 3-16-18, Imported 3-26-18
Breeder Import Duckling
We brought in some ducklings from a local farmer raising for breeder stock. This hen has a hooked bill and beautiful fletchings. She is really hard to capture in pictures and has been nicknamed "the elusive duck". She is rarely separate from the group and has a strong survival instinct... "eyes on the side, you hide!"
Hatched 8-29-16
Hatchery Import Duckling
I mail ordered this gal online with a group of sexed day-old ducklings. She originates from Metzer Farms and is a black Indian Runner. She is one of my friendliest ducks, she will eat treats right out of my hand and is usually the easiest to catch for "petting zoo" moments. August 2020 Blackie joined a duo of fawn and whites to be spoiled by a very nice lady. More duck friends are in her future once they grow to the right size.
Hatched 6-19-17
Insatiable appetite for the girls. He was a bit aggressive towards everything. He had to be put in timeout jail. He got used to being handled daily by me to put him from his crate to his enclosure so I wouldn't have to chase him where he needed to go. He became a great duck that would have made a great single duck as a pet. We took him out on walks with the dogs and he kept up with everyone and stayed close. I hated to let him go, but found him a new home in March 2018
Hatched 11-8-17
Dusky Gray
Nugget was hatched as a singleton. I put the clutch of eggs from which he spawned in the incubator on my mom's birthday. He was our little mascot for the winter and even got himself two blue Swedish sisters (Poop and Dung). We learned a lot from this little guy. He played with the dog, hug out on my lap, and was a general joy to have around. Once they got big enough to join the flock, we found the girls a new home as they were not the right breed, and he moved on to become a production drake for a local breeder.
Cocoa and Caramel
Hatched 8-29-2016
Imported Day Old Hatchery
Fawn and Whites
Cocoa and Caramel were named by my youngest daughter. We had two of the same color and had to find ways to tell them apart. We only had 4 ducks then, so, of course, they all had to have names. Caramel was the smart one, the only duck I've ever had that could catch treats out of the air, sunflower sprouts and peas were her favorites. She was rehomed with a 4 H student after 2 years of being with us. Cocoa had a sprinkle of extra color on the back of her head, which was her distinguishable marking from Caramel.
Karl & Karen's Krew
Hatched bet 7-25 & 9-1 2021
Mixed Colors
Karen was hatched by someone else with our eggs. We really like that color and asked if we could have her. She was raised very differently and at first took a bit to get adjusted. Since she was very vocal, we decided to call her Karen. When we decided which male was going to join her and the girls, we called him Karl.
