Current Flock
March 2015 - Current
Ducks come and go.
Some get taken by predators,
some get injured by their flockmates,
some find new homes,
some drown,
some get exposed to extreme weather,
and eventually some will be going to the freezer...
We have Indian Runner ducks, so our original papa drake was Forrest and we could not continue the Forrest Gump theme, but the enjoyment remains. Incubating ducklings is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
Our ducks were PT Tested 7-13-2019.
Our current flock consists of 15 ducks & 3 drakes.
Hatched 6-19-17
Fawn Gray
She was the hatch sister to hens Colleen & Yvette. She has the fletching of the gray drake and the fawn tones of the fawn and white hen that is her parents. She was named after Elan, one of her hatch brothers with the mallard colors who was names after the snow mobile, Elan, so named by a friend from Wisconsin came She is particularly beautiful when she is freshly molted and the blue comes out in her wingtips.
Merry Quacksinbush
Hatched 8-14-2019
Merry is our smallest and our youngest girl, but she sure takes advantage of it. Not only does she run to the pond, but she will fly to and dive into the pond with great gusto. She likes to talk sassily to the group and let the flock know where she found great things to forage. She really loves those peas, with her entire body.
Lieutenant Dan
Hatched 8-14-2019
Dusky Gray
Promoted to "Papa Drake" in 2020, Lieutenant Dan has a voracious appetite. He tells his flock-mates when they may expect danger and is a gentleman standing guard while they forage. He will charge at the dog if it gets too close, and stand between them and the peafowl that are 5 times his size. Buddy Boy is likely to stay with us for a long while. He particularly doesn't like the young ins in his territory. Bonus, he has that pretty bow-tie!
Hatched 8-1-2020
Emery Penciled
Minnie is definitely smaller than her flock-mate, Jenny. She is just as friendly. She has quite a bit more white on the tip of her wings.
Hatched 8-10-2020
The least friendly of her group as she stays at arm's length. Jackie is a follower.
Hatched 8-10-2020
Fawn Gray
Donna is a great duck. She bobs her head at the humans that she likes.
Princess LeiaNegg
Hatched 8-19-2020
Very friendly, always looking to be spoilt. She embodies her name well on the Princess part, we are hoping she matures into a great egg layer.
Darth Feather
Hatched 8-19-2020
This duck is also spoilt and friendly.
Yellow and Blue
Hatched 6-10-2021
Incubated Imported Eggs
Blue'd Fawn & White, Blue
These two were hatched from imported shipped eggs for biodiversity. Unfortunately, transportation damaged many aircells and we had a poor hatch. .
The Storm Poopers
Hatched 8-19-2020
Fawn and Whites
These gals were mail ordered for biodiversity. Princess and Darth also were part of that group, but we ended up with mostly fawn and white. One of the 6 f&ws is an escape artist and gets over the fence almost daily, she has a special name of Eagle Eyes. We have given up on forcing her to behave. If she starts teaching the others the trick, we are going to have to clip wings for their own safety. She really does enjoy her pond time and hang out with the crows that seem to have taken the flock under their protection. We were lucky to see a hawk in the act and how the crows circumvented its plan to carry away a duck. Too bad we don't have that on video.
Red Forestman
Hatched 8-23-2020
He definitely takes after his father and grandfather. He defends his girls and is protective. He tells the others when it's time for bed and guides them to their shelter.
Captain James D (Duck) Kirk
Bringing in new genetics from a trusted source along with his cohort Dr. Janice LesterDuck.