Duck Nuggets
There are many benefits to eating farm fresh duck eggs. Many people that have an allergy to chicken eggs, often can eat duck eggs with no allergic effects. Duck eggs are nutrient dense, full of vitamins and are packed with flavor. They are often larger than chicken eggs, have much bigger and creamier yolks and their thicker shells help them stay fresh longer. They are higher in fat and cholesterol, but contain more protein and have a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. Pastries and cakes prepared with duck eggs are fluffier. Our eggs come from our Urban Indian Runner Ducks. We have both eggs for eating and eggs for hatching.
I incubate for you. You have 32 days to get your operation figured out while I incubate. I do small runs of un-sexed birds. They are the progeny of the Parent Flock, Forest and the girls from the Second Run. Current averages are at 52% in other words, half of the eggs become ducklings. With a deposit, you are guaranteed 4 ducklings with first pick at any additional ducklings that hatch. The calendar that you receive when you make your order will have more details on what items you need to acquire and when you will be able to pick up your birds. Inquire about our the best deal of the year, the Cinco de Mayo Run.

Indian Runner Ducks
Duck ownership is challenging at times, but very rewarding. When they are ducklings they require a different kind of care. Skipping to broiler, layer or drake has it's advantages. They can also be a "pet that poops breakfast: and a learning tool for the kids. I usually have a few I can part with. As my partner says: "We can always make more!" Our ducks free range as backyard ducks during the day, on a varied diet of bugs, worms, snails, grass, seeds, and small grass snakes. They occasionally get treats consisting of sunflower spouts, frozen peas, chopped kale, figs, watermelon, pumpkin, and bait worms. They have feed available at all times in the form of game bird seed mixes and crumbles. We selected a brand milled locally in Texas.

Duck Feathers
One of the perks of having birds, is that they molt. This is the natural shedding of their worn feathers to make room for new ones. We never take feathers away forcibly. We collect feathers as they shed them. Since we are feeding our birds, visitor birds occasionally gift us theirs. Artists of all sorts use feathers in their work: dream-catchers, costumes, props and jewelry come to mind. We never know, the Cruelty-Free Feather Wrap package option for cars might just be the next big craze!

Duck Consulting
Anyone that makes a purchase, be it eggs, ducks or supplies, has only to make an appointment in order to get a 10 minute farm tour. The ducks are not so fond of being handled, but I usually catch one for the visiting kids to pet for a few minutes. Always wash your hands before and after handling live poultry. For an hourly fee, we offer a detailed farm tour showing you how to properly care for your new ducks or to answer questions before you get started.