LAST UPDATED 2-21-2023
Since 2020, we had been
selling eggs faster than our girls could produce.
In 2021, we expanded the flock for egg production.
2022, we have 16 hens ready for production. That's a dozen a day on most days from spring to fall.
January 2023 we have 15 hens ready for production. A few are laying at this time, giving us a dozen or more a week. We have a perfect flock size for us to manage and to fulfil client demand.
Reserve your dozens today. They sell out fast.
Our waiting list is organized by
"first paid, first opportunity to acquire".
We accept Cash, PayPal and Venmo!
We are open to alternative payment methods.
Seasonal Hatch Schedule
Hatched March to June 2023
Local pick up, extra charge for delivery (limited area)
See regular prices based on age below.
We do small straight run hatches only

Hatching Eggs
$2.50 each + Shipping

16 or 30 eggs in a box, each box will be additional shipping
Currently shipping to Texas for $55.00 (My USPS Cost)
I do not start collecting your eggs until the order is paid for and other paid orders have been fulfilled, in the order they are received.
There are no guarantees on hatching eggs. Please buy only if you are willing to risk that they may not hatch. Your eggs can be rendered infertile, be damaged during shipping, or subject to temperature extremes. These are issues beyond my control and are an inherent risk of mailed hatching eggs.
You agree you will not eat the eggs as they are not food grade. You acknowledge that when gathered and mailed to you, the eggs may have contaminants on them. You should wash your hands before and after handling the eggs.
Duck Eggs for Eating
$12.00 / Dozen
Local pick up, extra charge for delivery (limited area)

Our small flock of spoiled Indian Runner Ducks is currently lay eggs everyday, to the tune of 12 a day out of 15 layers. We are selling out before they get to lay them, so reserve your dozen in advance ! We can ship within Texas.

Regular prices for live birds (Pickup only)

Teaching Eggs
Let's conversate
Teachers have been known to use eggs in the classroom. The egg is such an amazing part of nature. PreK art around Easter, primary school life cycle observation, middle school physics class, psi testing in high school engineering class, cooking class, college oviparous studies, whatever you may think up... Sometimes we have a surplus and may be able to help out. I am sad to say that I did not personally experience a classroom incubation as a kid, but I would have loved to... Let me know if you or your classroom would like to blog about eggs, ducks, recipes, or experiments.
There are no guarantees on hatching eggs. Please buy only if you are willing to risk that they may not hatch. Your eggs can be rendered infertile, be damaged during shipping, or subjected to temperature extremes. These are issues beyond my control and are an inherent risk of mailed hatching eggs.
You agree you will not eat the eggs as they are not food grade. You acknowledge that when gathered and mailed to you, the eggs may have contaminants on them. You should wash your hands before and after handling the eggs.
Same shipping regulations apply for teaching eggs as hatching eggs. You pay for shipping, regardless of negotiations made for the price per egg.
Check out the contacts page if you want to reach out to us regarding an opportunity to acquire teaching eggs.