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Reading and Resources

Everyone has their go-to references... This is a list of resources that I'm building for you to dab into. Each link is available by clicking the corresponding picture below each description of why the resource was included. Each picture used originates from the site referenced above it. Feel free to share a reference with me to add to this post. This will be a growing library as time goes by. Format subject to change.

Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, Dave Holderread. This book is an industry standard baseline reference. Everyone should have a copy. Ends up the first 92 pages are available for preview on Google.

Raising the Home Duck Flock, Dave Holderread. This book was given to me by an elder bird care taker. She had peacocks and ducks. When she heard I wanted to raise ducks, she promptly went to her shelf to pull this book. I believe Dave Holderread is the same Dave as the Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center and Storey's Guide.

The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook, Kimberly Link. This book was given to me by my little brother. He did a lot of research and settled on this book because it has an extensive medical section (about half of the 426 pages of the book).

The Duck Chronicles is a big part of the knowledge I started with. It is a series of 120 videos (3 seasons) about one man's duck adventures. This is my unofficial duck mentor.

Metzer Farms has articles regarding incubating, nutrition and processing ducks as well as common health issues. I purchased my first ducklings thru one of their dealers : Efowl.

I later learned that they developed their own breed called the Golden 300 Hybrid which are intended as a calm, fertile egg layer with very large eggs.

E-Fowl's news and blogs cater more to the chicken owner, but they do have some duck articles regarding breeds, and a pretty good selection of different mail order hatcheries. They are the Dealer for Tractor Supply. This link takes you directly to their Pet Duck article.

Golden Oaks Mill is a Texas feed mill that started their business in the 30's to feed their animals. They have grown to supply many feed stores throughout Texas and are my feed of choice.

Ideal Poultry is the hatchery where I sourced my blue swedes. They work with my feed store and were able to get me some ducklings on short notice. Their "Care" and "Breed Descriptions" are good resources for beginners.

50 Ducks in a Hot Tub is a video series about a Canadian guy raising ducks to feed the homeless. He raises a flock for a year and collects eggs for the food bank, and then sends the lot to slaughter to provide another round of food. Then he starts all over again.

The Cape Coop has articles regarding : Duck care for beginners, Breed Selection, Winter Care, First Aid Supplies and more.

Holderread Farm has a short article about waterfowl selection by purpose (egg vs. meat ideal breeds). They developed and introduced their own breed, Golden Cascades, in 1984 which is intended as a good layer and a good meat bird.

Welp Hatchery's reference guide for predator diagnosis is useful. They also have a summary of types of health issues to which poultry is susceptible.

Tyrant Farms has a great article comparing chickens and ducks. Their duck section also has articles on how to get your duck to be a lovable cuddle bird as well as one listing a selection of plants you can grow to feed your flock.

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