Hatcheries & Providers of Indian Runner Ducks
Where can I get Indian Runners, you ask?
Hel's Duck Nuggets of course!!!! (Locally in Central Texas) We have a small flock of happy, spoiled ducks. Check out "The Ducks" or "Availability" for additional information.
Metzer Farms, CA (Mail order day old ducklings) my parent flock was sourced here
Lucky Hit Ranch, TX (Locally in Central Texas) where Forest originates
Ideal Poultry, TX (Mail order day old ducklings) the Swedes were sourced thru my local feed store from this hatchery.
Private Individual, TX (I imported some penciled Indian Runner ducklings from a private individual who prefers to remain anonymous for now, as she is moving her operation to West Texas in the near future).
Murray McMurray, IA
Hoovers Hatchery, IA
Cackle Hatchery, MO
Meyer Hatchery, OH
Purely Poultry, WI
Pete's Hatchery, OR
Estes Hatchery, MO
Ewert's Country Waterfowl, Arlington, MN
Ridgeway Hatcheries, LaRue, OH

If you are a provider of Indian Runner ducks and would like to be added to the list, please send me your information, including, but not limited to : Company name or DBA, website link (not FB unless that's all you got, please), your location.