Waterfowl First Aid Kit and Supplies
I am not a medical professional and we highly recommend you consult a vet to care for your animals if/when you have access to one. We are not responsible for your decision to use any of these items or the result. Check expiration dates on your products regularly. Many of these items can also be useful in a human first aid kit.
Just a list of items gathered from the Internets and other lists of similar essentials.
Mosquito dunks (safe for birds, keeps the mosquito larva from developing. Mosquitos are spreaders of diseases... Zika, Malaria, West Nile... just to name a few) Protect yourself and your animals.
Disposable Gloves (Latex and/or Non-latex)
Quarantine Crate / Dog Crate
Heat lamp or space heater
Heating pad or Hot water bottle
Vaseline/ Personal Lubrican (egg binding assistance)
Niacin supplement - Vitamin B3 (brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast flakes, or capsules - some capsules are not appropriate)
Epsum Salt
Apple cider vinegar
Vetericyn spray (anti-bacterial poultry wound spray) burns, lacerations, skin ulcers, hot spots, wound cleaning, abscesses and sores, scratches, rashes, abrasions - This product has been used on other farm animals
Vetericyn gel spray (anti bacterial gel spray)
Drawing salve (Ichthammol 20%)
Hydrogen Peroxide. Use as an initial would cleaner, but use sparingly otherwise as it deteriorates tissue.
Alcohol (isopropyl rubbing)
Electrolytes (sav-a-chick) Use sparingly as salt toxicity is a thing for ducks.
Probiotics (and other vitamin boosters)
Stanhexadine 4%
Vermifuges : Imovectin, Flubenvet
Vitamin E
Bandage materials (vetwrap, non-stick gauze)
KT tape Duct tape (do not use directly on skin or feathers) Horse leg tape (very similar to vetwrap)
Antibiotic Oinment or Cream (like Neosporin ***without pain relief)
Surgery kit (scalpel, X-Acto knife & blades, small scissors, nail clippers and other tools)
Stitching needle and thread
Coconut oil
BluKote (blue dye antiseptic spray)
Syringes (for injection, for oral administration)
Dropper Pepper corn Diameticious Earth (DE) - for mite control Wood Ash
Coffee Filters (as a wound covering membrane, use with superglue)
Non-Coated aspirin (5 aspirins : 1 gallon of water) - for pain Corn starch, kwik stop, or other styptic powder (to stop bleeding) VetRX Polu-Vi-Sol without Iron Terramycyn gel Corrid (amprolium) Elector PSP Preparation H oinment (without pain relief) Q-tips Tweezers, cuticle cutter Saline solution antibiotic eye drops
Spray bottle
Duck boots
Terramycin eye ointment
Oral antibiotics (agramycin, amprolium)
Oxine (sterilizing)
dental picks Calcium gluconate 23% solution (calcium deficiency) Calcium citrate tablets (calcium deficiency)
Oyster Shells (calcium deficiency) food grade activated charcoal powder / activated charcoal (absorb toxins) Tylan, Duramycin Comfrey salve toenail clippers
headlamp, flashlight
hand sanitizer
Tobramycin eye drops BNP eye ointment Ear/nose cleaning brush Hair ties (small rubber bands) Special syringe & needle (cut) for flushing Special syringe w/round end for flushing Sharpie marker
StaphAseptic gel (antibiotic)
Bacitracin ointment
Flea comb
Flea powder (lice & mites)
Vita-Shell (for shiny feet, beaks, combs)
Surgical scrub brush
Toothbrush (for scrubbing feet, combs)
Duramycin (tetracycline) powder
Skinshield Benadryl cream (for stings... bee, scorpion, spider) Tongue depressor or unused wooden pencils with rubber eraser ends (for splints) Half inch flexible tubing Manuka honey Thermometer
Poly-vi-sol without iron (respiratory infections)
Pedialyte (hydration)
Duck Diaper/Maxi Pads

Disclaimer / Credits:
I was looking for a "first aid kit free clipart" on he googles and I found Ms. Kiki Quackingson... I am using this picture without permission, but mentioning my source (link below and picture)... They also had a sale at the time this article was created: I am not personally a collector of rubber ducks or duck related knick knacks, but this one is cool. More on this subject at a later date.