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Rumble Videos - 2021 - August Update

I started sharing duck videos recently on Rumble. I figured I would log them for easy reference. I try to keep them short. I thoroughly enjoy having these guys around.

Publish Date Title Duration Link

08-30-2021 Drakes will be drakes 37 seconds

08-28-2021 Deer gathering for daily feeding 1m21s

08-25-2021 Ducklings hang out at the pool 44 seconds

08-24-2021 Sleepy duckling falls asleep on keyboard 1m9s

08-23-2021 Ducklings visit at the pool 48 seconds

08-20-2021 Introducing young ducks to the flock 34 seconds

08-17-2021 Two sets of ducklings 39 seconds

08-07-2021 First Bath for Week Old hatchlings 1m13s

08-06-2021 Filthy mud ducks 44 seconds



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