Rumble Videos - 2021 - November/December Update
I started sharing duck videos recently on Rumble. I figured I would log them for easy reference. I try to keep them short. I thoroughly enjoy having these guys around.

Publish Date Title Duration Link
12-23-2021 Throw the ball!!! 48 seconds
12-18-2021 Callie tastes freedom 33 seconds
12-15-2021 Darth Feather Says Hello 31 seconds
12-14-2021 Baby girl fetches the frizz-bee 29 seconds
11-27-2021 Rolling in the hay 37 seconds
11-10-2021 Callie dog playing ball 31 seconds
11-2-2021 Ducks fight over a frog 44 seconds
11-01-2021 Callie loves playing ball! 49 seconds