Rumble Videos - 2021 - January Update
I started sharing duck videos recently on Rumble. I figured I would log them for easy reference. I try to keep them short. I thoroughly enjoy having these guys around.

Publish Date Title Duration Link
01-29-2021 Post Pond Preening 25seconds
01-28-2021 Pining for Pond Privileges 17seconds
01-27-2021 Head bobbing Donna Duck 18seconds
01-26-2021 Ducklings in a bathtub 13seconds
01-25-2021 Got 'em cornered 30seconds
01-24-2021 Quacking Around 15seconds
01-23-2021 Sky Wards 1m25seconds
01-22-2021 Loud Friendly Quackery 53seconds
01-21-2021 Standing at Hawk Guard 25seconds
01-21-2021 Duck Nuggets Enjoying the Pond 27seconds
01-20-2021 Two Ducks and a HalfKeg 37seconds
01-19-2021 Snake Run 45seconds
01-18-2021 Mud Hole Ducks 1min27secs
01-17-2021 Poop & Dung, Featuring Nugget 25seconds
01-16-2021 Visiting Peafowl 11seconds
01-15-2021 Minnie & Moocher 21seconds