Waterfowl First Aid Kit and Supplies
I am not a medical professional and we highly recommend you consult a vet to care for your animals if/when you have access to one. We...

Duck Updates
I make a monthly visit to one of my day job's clients and they really enjoy hearing about what's going on with the ducks. I gathered as...

Bird Diapers
I have only tried one diaper so far. Things didn't work out with that particular duck who thought I was torturing him and I couldn't get...

The simple Duck Necessities...
New to Ducks/Ducklings? Very exciting ! Here is some information in order to get a good start at caring for your ducks : shelter, heat,...

Hatcheries & Providers of Indian Runner Ducks
Where can I get Indian Runners, you ask? Hel's Duck Nuggets of course!!!! (Locally in Central Texas) We have a small flock of happy,...

Reading and Resources
Everyone has their go-to references... This is a list of resources that I'm building for you to dab into. Each link is available by...

Cooking with Duck Eggs
Every article I've read describing duck eggs has compared them to chicken eggs. If I do so in two words, they would be "more dense". ...